Our Process

Process Graphic

We are here to help guide you through the often overwhelming process of creating a financial plan and to help ensure the process is completed in an organized and timely manner. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Development of Objectives - “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else” – Yogi Bera

  • General discussion of current situation and objectives
  • Comprehensive data collection
  • Family and business goal setting

Analysis and Design - A thorough analysis forms the foundation for determining the strengths and weaknesses of your financial situation and current course of action. Are you on the right track? If not, what needs to be done to more effectively align your resources with your objectives?

  • Discussion of issues and concerns – Next, we identify the factors that are either jeopardizing or hindering the progress towards your objective. We put these issues and concerns in writing and help you prioritize them.
  • Testing of Alternate Scenarios – We then model the long-term impact of various planning strategies and changes to your spending, gifting and savings patterns to determine what changes are necessary to help you attain your objectives most effectively.

Financial Plan Presentation - Planning strategies for consideration.

  • Financial independence and Lifestyle Planning
  • Asset Protection and Estate Planning
  • Business and Benefits
  • Investment and Tax Reduction Strategies

Implementation - No plan will help you meet your financial goals unless it's put into action.

  • We strive to achieve excellence in execution and work hard in doing so
  • We work with your existing team of Advisers to get the job done
  • Determine the timing and frequency of plan reviews

Monitoring the Plan - What isn’t monitored can’t be measured.

  • Financial Plans have limited long-term value if they are not monitored, measured and updated on a regular basis

Adjust and Refine - Nothing remains constant except change itself.

  • Capital Markets and economies change and so do perspectives and financial circumstances. We take pride in helping you navigate change successfully



  • HOT TOPIC: ‘Tis the Season for Tax-Friendly Giving Strategies

    Donating to charity can make a difference at any time of the year. But taking a strategic approach, possibly as part of your year-end tax planning, could offer tax benefits and potentially increase your ability to give. This article provides an overview of various tax-advantaged giving strategies.